

^x      increment 

^a      decrement

'.  Move cursor to previously modified line

Enter into visual mode by typing the letter "v" 

Select some lines 

Type >> to shift the block to the right 

Type << to shift the block to the left 

Note: The number of characters shifted is controlled by the "shift width" setting. i.e. 4: ":set sw=4" 

Type = to do formatting in C++ style

:set ic  => for ignore case while search 

:r !date => reads the results from the date command into a new line following the cursor

1,$ or % => Refers to the entire file

:'t,'b !<shellCommand> => run <shellCommand> over block of lines bounded by the marker t and b

ctags *.h *.c This creates a file named tags

Unix command line: vi -t subroutine_name This will find the correct file to edit. 

Vi command line: :tag subroutine_name This will jump from your current file to the file containing the subroutine. (short form :ta subroutine_name )